Laura Tiddlemarsh
I was born in Cheltenham and have lived their all my life until a few years ago we ventured out to Quedgeley! I have worked in Cheltenham for the last 8 years. I met Steve at sixth form he was a year older than me and I was sat in my study time when I was introduced to Steve through a friend, I fancied him straight away! We got to know each other over the next few months and eventually started going out on Valentines Day (the only time I have ever had 12 red roses), I had to carry home on the school bus!

In July 2006 Steve proposed! and we got engaged. We decided to buy out first house together before getting married - hence the long engagement. And here we are now getting married.....

Hen night
Well, I'm having quite a few the main one will be going to Cardiff (shopping and Karaoke) with my close friends. Then a spa day with the bridesmaids and family and also a work night out which will be messy im sure. I'll get Steve to add more details as and when




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