Stephen Miles
Born in Cheltenham and still living and working in the Gloucestershire area.

Blog site
For more details on my daily activities visit my blog, or not so daily as it has become recently, I've only recently set up my own blog site based on the s-mile-s domain. You'll find a link on the main page.

Wedding Planning
I've been planning this wedding for years...... and all of the decisions I've made have been over turned. No, in all seriousness Laura and I have been planning seriously for about a year. The hotel was booked in May 2009, all has fallen in to place since then.

Stag night details
Rather than have a massive booze filled weekend I plan on having a day at goApe and an Ale weekend (just one day) on the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway "The Honeybourne Line".

Further details to follow when I meet with the Best Man.




The meeting of two hearts
Thought I'd add a little soppy bit. Laura and I go back a few years, well 9 to be precise. Having share a place for 5 years we know each other well. Over the years we have gone from strength to strength. This will be further built on by our marriage and starting a family

For those of you whom have actually read any of this site will have noticed the pictures. Well none of them are Laura and I. If only I had a photo editing package that wasn't Paint..........